
Early label in smaller format: 14mm x 36mm, rouletted and gummed.
Günter Mair catalogue: IDO-A-4 (1975)

Printed in lighter blue, rouletted and gummed.
Günter Mair catalogue: AUS-A-16a (1968)

Printed in larger format: 28mm x 44 mm, imperforated and gummed.
Günter Mair catalogue: AUS-A-? (circa 1982)


Printed on skyblue, rouletted and gummed.
Günter Mair catalogue: BEL-A-15 (1965)

Similar to the above design, but with text reversal, roulleted.
Günter Mair catalogue: BEL-A-15b (1965)

Printed on skyblue, perforated on four sides and gummed.
Günter Mair catalogue: BEL-A-17  (Nov.1983)

Printed on dark blue without French word, size: 12mm x 57mm, perforated.
Günter Mair catalogue: BEL-A- ?  (1984)

Similar to the previous design except the plane is at lower part, self-adhesive.
 Günter Mair catalogue: BEL-A- ?  (Aug.1966)

Latest design with an additional three circles, imperforated and self adhesive.
Günter Mair catalogue: BEL-A- ?  (circa 2010)



Old label printed in three languages.
Günther Mair catalogue: BRN-A- ?

Currently used label copying Singapore's old label design.
Günther Mair catalogue: BRN-A- ?.


Printed during Dr. Sun Yat Sen period, imperforated and ungummed.
Günter Mair catalogue: CHN-A-? (1938)

Printed during the Chinese People Republic, badly perforated.
Günter Mair catalogue: CPR-A-10a (1962)

Printed on thin paper, very bad perforations.
Günter Mair catalogue: CPR-A-13 (1970)

Printed in bolder typefaces and rouletted.  I've been travelled to China frequently, 
but labels are still hard to find at post offices.  You'll be surprised they're only
 obtainable at some small town post offices (if you are lucky enough). 
Günter Mair catalogue: CPR-A-11 (1975)


Perforated on top and bottom, with both side imperforated.


Printed in single colour with native language.
Günter Mair catalogue: ETH-A-10c (1980)**


Günter Mair catalogue:  EST-A- ?


Printed in three languages, rouletted.
Günter Mair catalogue: FNL-A-26 (1975)

Priority label with first class message and an envelope symbol.
Günter Mair catalogue: FNL-A- ? 

France 10:08

Early French etiquette, printed with black colour on a thin red paper.
Günter Mair catalogue: FRA-A-3a  (2.1923)

Printed in darker blue with perforations and gummed.
Günter Mair catalogue: FRA-A-18a  (1961)


Germany will be divided into three sections: 
(1) GER- Deuthches Reich, (2) GDR- Democratic Republic and
 (3) FRG - Federal Republic.

Printed in black colour on orange paper, imperforated and gummed.
Issued at Karisruhe for Baden.
Günter Mair catalogue: GER-A-10a  (1927)

Printed in blue with perforations and gummed.
Günter Mair catalogue: GER-A-18 (1934)

Günter Mair catalogue: FRG-A- ?

Great Britain

Günter Mair catalogue: ENG-A- ?

Hong Kong

Adopting British design with Theyre Lee-Elliott's stylised wing design,
 but added with Chinese characters.  Rouletted and gummed.
Günter Mair catalogue: HKG-A-9  (1970)

Printed on marine blue in three languages. Rouletted and gummed.
Günter Mair catalogue: HKG-A-10a  (1986)

Similar to the above design but printed on glossy surface.
Self adhesive and imperforated.
Günter Mair catalogue: HKG-A-10ab (1998)

Similar to the above design but "PAR AVION" in larger typeface. 
Printed on matte surface and self-adhesive.
Günter Mair catalogue: HKG-A-10b (2001)


Printed in different shade of blue with border,  imperforated.
Günter Mair catalogue: HUN-A-13 (1985)


This label is under Netherlands-Indie,  just for comparison. Ref: AV 5
Günter Mair catalogue: NEI-A-1 (1930) 

Identical to the above design but printed in lighter typefaces. This label 
was used during the early years of the Netherlands-Indonesian Union,
 under the title of the Republic of the United States of  Indonesia
 or "Republik Indonesia Serikat".
Günter Mair catalogue: IDO-A-1 (1949) 

Printed in darker marine blue.
Günter Mair catalogue: IDO-A-4 (1975) 

Similar to the above design but in sky blue.
This label already in used for 30 years until now.
Günter Mair catalogue: IDO-A-5a (1978)


Similar to the old design but with rounded frame and die cut.

Günther Mair catalogue: ITA-A- ?

Günther Mair catalogue: ITA-A- ?

Jamaica (1)

Jamaica first airmail label issued in 1931.
Günther Mair catalogue:  JAM-A-1a


 Printed in prussian blue and rouletted.
Günter Mair catalogue:  JPN-A-6a (1960)

 Printed in sky blue with wider Par Avion, Imperforated.
Günter Mair catalogue:  JPN-A-9b (1980)

Types had been modified with serif character.
Günter Mair catalogue:  JPN-A-11 (1985)

 Similar to the above design, but with san-serif typeface.
Günter Mair catalogue:  JPN-A-12 (1988)

Lithuania - Lietuva

Günter Mair catalogue: LTN-A- ?


Printed in darker blue, imperforated and self-adhesive.
Günter Mair catalogue: LUX-A- ?


This design is similar to the Portuguese label, but with red colour omitted.
Günter Mair catalogue: MAC-A-5 (1995) 


  This pre-independence label printed in three languages on dark blue background.
Günther Mair catalogue: MAL-A- ?

Printed on prussian blue with thicker paper 120 gsm, ungummed and rouletted.
Günter Mair catalogue: MAL-A-1a (1965) 

Printed on lighter blue with modified text, gummed and rouletted.
Günter Mair catalogue: MAL-A-1ab (1965) 

Similar to the previous design, except the bird without eye.
Günter Mair catalogue: MAL-A-1b (1965) 

Bird facing right on ultra marine blue background.
Self-adhesive and imperforated.
Günter Mair catalogue: MAL-A-? (2007)